「"Tell Me About The World "は、僕たちがいかに文化としての芸術を見失い、今日の問題を解決しようとして壁にぶつかってしまったかを表現しているEPです」-Demsky
今回は、アンビエント・アーティストのHello1103と一緒に、Demskyの新作EP、「Tell Me About The World」のリリースショーを開催します!
“Tell Me About The World is an EP about listening and each song represents how as a culture we have lost the art and have run into barricades trying to resolve the issues of today.” - Demsky
These are the meditations of Demsky. Beyond being a good friend, an all around jovial individual and top bloke, he is an artist in the truest sense. Dedicated to his own complete submersion in the aural planes, Demsky has been working for years to create his own signature sound waves. In his submersions he has found a fellow dweller of the deep, the lighter-than-graphine-aerogel ambientalists Hello1103 who he has invited for the release of his new EP ‘Tell Me About The World’.
日付・Date: 8月21日 (土)・August 21st
時間・Time: 17:00 ~ 23:00
場所・Venue: Half Moon Hall - 下北沢
会費・Price: 3200円 Door, 2800円 Advanced Tickets, 1000円 for MTM Members
Members redeem a discounted ticket here.
The Beer
Baird Beer
このイベントはBaird Beerの提供で送りします。ベアードビールを中心に厳選されたクラフトビールをタップでサーブしています。また、大人の社交場をコンセプトにハイエンドのウイスキーの数々をカジュアルに提供しています。ベアードビールは、静岡県の沼津と修善寺で醸造されたクラフトビールです。
This event is sponsored by Baird Beer. Baird Beer is a Japanese native craft beer brewery founded in Numazu, Japan. Dedicated to small batches, they believe that Balance + Complexity = Character and use that formula to brew a beer that bursts with flavor.