リフの弾丸を撃ち放つ、Tokyo Sapiens三絃とドラムからかき鳴らされる音の大群、The Shamisenists我らが金字塔、Robert Taira Wilson!さて、これ以上何を求めるというのでしょう。太鼓の力強い振動が大地を揺らし、貴方の体内を貫く?そう。More Than Musicはとことん突き詰めます。
On Saturday April 10th 2021, we offer to you a show of stupidly talented strings-men. The ballistic riptide riffery of Tokyo Sapiens. The stampeding three-string pluckings of The Shamisenist. The illustrious and regal workings of our dear Robert Taira Wilson. And what more could you possibly want!? The powerful beats of taiko reverbing right through you? Well, we got that too.
Tokyo Sapiens
The Shamisenists
Robert Taira Wilson
Eva Kestner
日付・Date: 4月10日 (土)・April 10rd
*time change due to Corona Restrictions
場所・Venue: 渋谷7th FLOOR (click for google maps)
会費・Price: 3200円 Door, 2800円 Advanced Tickets
Members redeem a free ticket to reserve your seat for the show here.