May 4th, 2024 (Saturday) |
OPEN 17:00 START 18:00 |
Music Bar & Hall BAROOM, Minamiaoyama Open in Google Map |
ADMISSION ¥ 5,000 MTM Member’s Coupon Code |
Fumetsu no Asuca
Robert Taira Wilson (band set)
Reese Lansangan (band set)
About This Event
ここで出会う人や音に心を動かされます。The sound “EN” is powerful in Japanese.
With different kanji it is used to represent a circle, fate, or celebration.
Read in many different ways, but with a shared meaning to “connect” or “be with others.” An unavoidable fate of all living things. An important value of life.
En is the perfect representation for More Than Music. Our ‘More Than’ derived from the fact that we are community builders and use events as a means to come together and connect as the audience fulls a show as much as an act fuels an audience.
Through connecting with people and to their friends, and to their friends…. Fate has brought us to Baroom, Columbia Records Japan’s prestigious live house with a circular stage surrounded by plush red velvet seating paired with a separate vintage-style audio bar.
The series “EN” was created specially for this special place - to connect and celebrate with people lead by our fate. Enjoy the cozy space, the amazing musical journey, and the community, all in one.
Artist information
◾️ 不滅のアスカ (Fumetsu no Asuca) ◾️
CARGO氏のカバーアルバム「GIFT] に参加し
NHK 「みんなのうた」にて財津和夫のバックバンドでギタリストとして出演する。
The Immortal Asuca (Fumetsu no Asuca) is a trilingual singer song-writer, speaking Japanese, English and Tagalog. Born in the Philippines on March 3rd, she moved to Tokyo at age 5 and picked up the guitar at age 15.
Asuca's career is already accomplished, having written and performed commercials and appearing in bigger projects as a singer, guitarist, and/or writer.
Some notable moments are being a semi-finalist in the 2013 YAMAHA Music Revolution, writing commercials for for TOYOTA PR JP, appearing in Mr. CARGO’s cover album and joining Kazuo Zaitsu’s backing band on NHK’s "Minna no Uta"
To her, music has no nationality, age, nor gender, and can break down social barriers to connect people on the spot. With that in mind join, her shows as she continues to grow!
◾️ Robert Taira Wilson (ロバート・タイラ・ウィルソン) ◾️
Robert is an English artist, musician and songwriter currently based in Japan. His music fuses intricate, classically influenced guitar playing with modern alternative songwriting. He draws inspiration from a diverse range of genres and weaves together original and deeply personal songs.
◾️ Reese Lansangan (Full Band) ◾️
フィリピンのインディーシーンで先駆者の一人であるレーゼは、彼女の音楽を日本、シンガポール、ニュージーランド、そしてアメリカなどの海外にも広めています。彼女のデビューアルバム「Arigato, Internet!」からの「A Song About Space」は、NASAの歴史的な#LaunchAmericaキャンペーンビデオに使用されました。
2018年には、彼女はParamoreのTour Fourでオープニングアクトを務め、フロントウーマンのヘイリー・ウィリアムズから賞賛を受けました。彼女はまた、Oh WonderのUltralife Tour in Manilaでオープニングアクトを務め、The Temper Trap、LANY、Purity Ring、Explosions in the Skyなどのアーティストと共演しました。
Reese Lansangan is an independent pop-folk singer-songwriter, visual artist, author, and multi-awarded creative from Manila.
A trailblazer in the Philippine indie scene, Reese has brought her music to international shores like Japan, Singapore, New Zealand, and the USA. “A Song About Space” from her debut album “Arigato, Internet!” was chosen by NASA for their historic #LaunchAmerica campaign videos.
She takes slices of life and spin them into head-bopping melodies and heartwarming confessionals. With her signature wit and vocal looping prowess, Reese commands the stage and connects with people who appreciate general weirdness, injected into pop earworms.
Recently, she has put together a full band to compliment her songs and it's taken her to news heights!
◾️ judgeman (DJ) ◾️
Judgeman DJs with a style based in House or Techno, but has eyes and ears to adapt to the scene at hand. Pulling from whole range of sounds and approaches, his flexibility amplifies the mood of the night.
◾️ Kotatsu (DJ) ◾️
東京を拠点に活躍中のフランス人DJ、Kotatsu. エレクトロとハウスミュージックからインスピレーションを得たスタイルで、聴く人を音楽の旅へと誘うビートを創り出します。魂に響き、心に染み渡る、温もりと親しみに溢れたセットリストは必見です。
Kotatsu, a French DJ rooted in Tokyo, finds her musical inspiration in the vibrant pulse of electro and house, infusing world beats that invite listeners on a journey. Her sets offer a warm and inviting atmosphere, aiming to touch your soul and create a heartwarming experience.
◾️ Fuzzy73 (DJ) ◾️
青山のクリエイティブレーベル、N.A.S.A.所属。青山通り周辺で活動するミュージシャンを中心としたパーティ“246HIVE”を主催し、Paris、Berlin、Amsterdam、Tel Avivを始めとした世界各地からアーティスト招聘も行っている。また、毎回様々なサイバーパンク作品をコンセプトにして行うDJパーティ“Cyberia”も不定期開催。”20世紀が描いた近未来”をテーマにシャーマニックハウス〜ジャングル〜ハードテクノをミックスするスタイルで、年間100本近いギグを熟している。
また、コスチュームデザイナーとしてBlack Boboi”Ogre”のミュージックビデオを手がけ、Fuji Rockへの出演も記憶に新しいTel Avivのサイケデリックバンド、Ouzo Bazookaや、昨年OZORA FESTIVALにも出演したLa Senasのツアー衣装も製作するなど、アーティストとしての活動は多岐に渡る。
Belongs to N.A.S.A., a creative label in Aoyama. With a style that mixes shamanic house, jungle, and techno under the theme of "the near future drawn by the 20th century," He plays nearly 100 gigs a year. He organizes a party called “246HIVE” that books musicians who are active around Aoyama Street, and invites artists from all over the world, including Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, and Tel Aviv.
In addition, as a costume designer, he worked on the music video for Black Boboi “Ogre”, and produced the tour costumes for Ouzo Bazooka, a psychedelic band from Tel Aviv whose appearance at Fuji Rock is still fresh in our memory, and La Senas, who appeared at OZORA FESTIVAL last year. , his activities as an artist are wide-ranging.