March 10th, 2024 (Sunday) |
OPEN 18:00 |
THE A.I.R BUILDING, Nihonbashihoncho |
ADMISSION ¥ 2,500 MTM Member’s Coupon Code |
Elliot Cormack
Luke Hobbs (DJ)
About This Event
A.I.R Building is a new and exciting venue to explore with 4 floors of stylish decor. We’re taking over the lower half with live music and DJ, but feel free to explore all and up to the rooftop throughout the night. On March 10th we combine and MTM regular in Elliot Cormack, with a new favorite of ours in MOMO, and incredible R&B signer and guitarist. Read below for more info on the artists!
Artist information
◾️ Elliot Cormack ◾️
The already incredibly talented Elliot Cormack from ENTRADA has grown more confident and sure with his one-man band act over the last year. We are excited to have him on stage again to share his growth as a solo performer! Elliot is a More Than Music favorite, that time after time leaves us wanting more.
◾️ MOMO ◾️
Young and full of talent, More Than Music is looking forward to seeing where MOMO’s career as a singer goes and excited to share her R&B skills with everyone!
◾️ Luke Hobbs (DJ) ◾️
You’re compelled to continue swinging your body to the tempo as DJ Luke Hobbs emerges from the smoky backdrop gifting the masses with one final set. If you were to visually capture this organic sound on canvas, you’d stand for a moment upon the piece and claim it as avant-garde. Hobbs has an immaculate way of capturing music at its very core, and the result is almost an animalistic blend of big disco, rock, and accidental tribal. The urge to dance is transfixing, and you surrender yourself.
煙に包まれた舞台からDJ Luke Hobbs が姿を現すと、彼の音楽は群衆に魅了される一方で、あなたもその魔法に取り憑かれます。彼のセットはまるで有機的な響きをキャンバスに映し出すかのようであり、その芸術性はまさに前衛的と言えるでしょう。Luke Hobbs は音楽をその根源から捉える術を心得ており、その結果、大胆なディスコ、ロック、そして偶発的なトライバルが絶妙に融合されるのです。その魅力に引き込まれ、あなたは自然に身を委ねるのです。