December 24th, 2023 (Sunday) |
OPEN 18:00 FINISH 22:00 |
SPHINX, Iidabashi Open in Google Map |
ADMISSION ¥ 3,500 MTM Member’s Coupon Code |
Yusuke Morita
About This Event
今年More Than MusicはSphinxのためにとてもソールフールなクリスマスブッキングをできました。素晴らしい音楽を聴きたいなら、是非来て一緒に楽しみましょう!
Christmas Eve is a special time of year to wind down and enjoy the holidays with those that you love. More Than Music had the pleasure of booking artists for Christmas Eve at Sphinx, a new restaurant in the Iidabashi area.
We bring you three artists with a very soulful vibe for Christmas, so if you're in the spirit, come out and enjoy!
Artist information
◾️ FiJA ◾️
都内在住シンガーソングライター。アメリカ留学でのゴスペル聖歌隊経験から日本帰国後も Soul, Funk, R&B に入り込み、現在は都内中心に弾き語り始め、アコースティックやフルバンド編成だったりと、様々な形でソロ活動中。またキーボーディスト別所和洋率いるNeo Soul/Jazz/R&Bバンド「パジャマで海なんかいかない」、そしてトランペッター黒田卓也率いるアフロビート大編成バンド「aTak」でボーカルとして参加しており、時にはソウルフルに、時には繊細にと、個性溢れる声とそのアーティスト性で様々な音楽シーンで活動を広げている。
FiJA was born in Tokyo, Japan to a Filipina mother and a Japanese father. Raised in Tokyo, started performing as singer-songwriter after she came back to Japan from studying English and music in California. Now she joined Neo-Soul/Jazz/R&B band called パジャマで海なんかいかない (pajama de umi nanka ikanai) and Afrobeat big-band called aTak as a vocalist.
Her soothing voice with a bit of huskiness made for the morning and golden hours. Contemporary R&B and soul singer-songwriter FiJA’s music will cherish your moment.
◾️ Yusuke Morita ◾️
From an early age, Morita had a passion for Rock, Pop, movie sound-track and video game music.Through various musical instruments, such as drums, guitar, DTM, trombone, he began playing bass guitar in high school and started to play jazz music and began composing through self-education.
He also started to play with Japanese flamenco guitar, Tokunaga brothers,
around 2017 and found a new perspective in the music and vocabulary of flamenco.
◾️ ISAFAT ◾️
Singer Song Writer/Trackmaker based in TOKYO.
3歳からチェロを始め た ISAFAT は、 作詞・作曲・アレンジ・演奏まで自身で行うマルチプレイヤーである。 HIP HOP/R&B/エレクトロニックをメインに多様なジャンルを消化しつつ 、アダルトでファットなポップ ミュージックをアウトプットし自身を表現する。
ISAFAT, who started playing the cello at the age of 3, is a multi-instrumentalist who writes, composes, arranges, and performs his own music. He expresses himself through producing adult pop music influenced by HIP HOP/R&B/electronic genres.