Robert Taira Wilson
MayowaSensei & Takeru Yamamoto
Kenzo White
The Tome of Masa - by Masayoshi B. L. Ninomiya
日付|Date:8月27日 (土)・August 27th
時間|Time:OPEN 18:00
値段|Price: ¥3,500・¥0 for Members
【MTM Presentsとは|About MTM Presents】
‘MTM presents’ is our love letter to you, the audience. With ‘MTM presents’ we offer to you the absolute elite musical talent that the Tokyo underground and the world has to offer. These are the best artists that you’ve never heard of but make no mistake you will never forget them once you’ve experienced them.
It is not only great music that defines these stellar shows, it’s the people. We are proud to welcome listeners from diverse backgrounds from all over the world.
“MTM Presents” は More Than Music からみなさまへのお贈り物です。東京、そして世界から選ばれる素晴らしい才能を持ったアーティストをステージに招きます。
“MTM Presents”で楽しめるのは音楽だけではありません。イベントに参加する様々なバックグラウンドを持った人達との交流も醍醐味の一つです!
【生演奏|The Music】
Robert Taira Wilson (ロバート・タイラ・ウィルソン)
We, the people that have seen Robert play on stage, can all agree that he’s got a talent that can’t be found in many people. You can tell that his music is great listening to his stuff online, but you won’t have that same awe and goosebumps as you do when he’s performing in front of you. “How is he creating those tricky melodies???” and “Why am I crying??” are some of the questions you’re going to be ask yourself when he’s on the stage.
Mayowa's voice is something special using it as an instrument he constructs songs from nothing right in front of your eyes. From his own stellar songs to covers of the classics, this soulful singer - ukulele player is able to move any audience.
Takeru Yamamoto
タケルのジャズとソウルをメインに奏でるギターは、椅子に座って演奏を聞いいているあなたを、ゆっくりと溶かされて行く感覚にされます。今回はマヨワとのコラボで「That's My Jam」をパフォーマンスする予定。この曲には様々なヒット曲が入り混ざっており、R&Bやジャズ、ソウル好きには たまらないセットになること間違いなし!
Takeru is a talented, soulful jazz guitarists whose mellismas and riffs will have you melting in your seat as you kick back and relax. Together, Mayowa and Takeru are performing "That's My Jam", a collection of songs that contain hits and R&B, soul and jazz lovers can't get enough of. Jam out and have fun!
Kenzo White
ドイツx日本のシンガーソングライターの Kenzo が生み出す音楽はどこかラジオで聞いたことのある夢のようなメロディー。駆け出しのミュージシャンだが、将来はボーカルトレーナーとして自分の才能を多くの人に伝えていきたいと考えています。今回はドイツに帰る前の最後のライブ演奏となるので最高なパフォーマンスをお見逃しなく!
This German Japanese singer-songwriter brings you dreamy radio ready songs. He is a fairly new artist but his dream is to be a vocal trainer, sharing the gift of his amazing voice with the world. This will be his last show before he returns to Germany so don't miss out and come see Kenzo off with an amazing show.
The Tome of Masa - by Masayoshi B. L. Ninomiya(にのみや まさよし)
Like a geologist slicing ancient rocks in thin slices. Like you’re peeling off the layers of memories floating in the things that change meanings replaced to something new... Haibi puts her love and emotion (sometimes ironically) into her paintings, focusing mainly on textures. She also creates artwork for music event flyers and jacket designs.