Alice City Bossa
kim taehoon
日付|Date:7月16日 (土)・July 16th
時間|Time:OPEN 18:00・START 18:30
場所|Venue:Aoyama Moon Romantic
値段|Price: DOOR ¥3,500・¥1,000 for Members
Members can redeem their discount ticket at payout using the discount code '220716MTMDE'
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【MTM Presentsとは|About MTM Presents】
‘MTM presents’ is our love letter to you, the audience. With ‘MTM presents’ we offer to you the absolute elite musical talent that the Tokyo underground and the world has to offer. These are the best artists that you’ve never heard of but make no mistake you will never forget them once you’ve experienced them.
It is not only great music that defines these stellar shows, it’s the people. We are proud to welcome listeners from diverse backgrounds from all over the world.
“MTM Presents” は More Than Music からみなさまへのお贈り物です。東京、そして世界から選ばれる素晴らしい才能を持ったアーティストをステージに招きます。
“MTM Presents”で楽しめるのは音楽だけではありません。イベントに参加する様々なバックグラウンドを持った人達との交流も醍醐味の一つです!
Alice City Bossa(アリス シティ ボッサ)
歌唱力、 豊かな表現力を備えたボサノヴァ、ジャズ、MPB シンガー。 1997 年 ブラジル生まれの HALF BRAZILIAN AND JAPANESE (24 歳)
2004 年 7 歳の時にヴォーカルレッスンを開始。2008 年にはギターレッスンも始め、2011年にはプロの MPB(ブラジリアンポピュラーミュージック)歌手として 教会、カフェ、レストランなどで歌声を響かせる。 2016年日本に移住し、歌手、モデルとして活動を始める。
A singer with a rich and expressive voice, Alice’s smooth singing blends together Bossa Nova, jazz and MPB(Brazilian popular music). Born in Brazil, 1997(now 24 years old), she is of Brazilian and Japanese descent. She began taking vocal lessons at the age of seven in 2004, and also started guitar lessons in 2008. In 2011, she built up her performances in churches, cafes, restaurants, and many other venues as a professional MPB singer. She moved to Japan in 2016 and began to further her career as a singer and model.
kim taehoon(キム・テフン)
A track-maker born in Korea, raised in Tokyo. He creates a cool sound with City Pop and Neo Soul, layering a chill-beat rap and melodies sang in Japanese, Korean, and English.