More Than Music を支えてくれたウィンストン。 8月14日、日本での生活に終わりを告げ、彼の新たなる人生の節目を共に祝いましょう。。 ただし、彼に1つ心残りがあることといえば、旅立つ前にアルバムを作らなかったこと。 そんな彼のために、日本での最後のパフォーマンスをライブ収録し、思い出のアルバムをプレゼントする予定です。
Winston’s Live album recording and goodbye party
Winston has been around for years, supporting us at More Than Music. Come August 14th his time in Japan winds to an end and it’s time to gather and celebrate his next chapter in life. His one regret is that he never recorded an album and wishes he had done so before taking off. We are happy to inform you that he won’t leave with that regret as we’ll be live recording his final performance in Japan and sending an album along with him.
Come out on August 8th and celebrate your night with Winston, say your goodbyes, and enjoy his final set in Japan.
Elliot Cormack
詳細 / Details
日付 / Date:8月8日 (日)・August 8th
時間 / Time:16:00PM ~ 20:00PM
場所 / Venue:下北沢ロクでもない夜
会費 / Price:3200円 Door, 2800円 Advanced Tickets
Members redeem a free ticket to reserve your seat for the show here.