詳細 / Details
日付 / Date:10月10日 (日)・October 10th
時間 / Time:17:00 ~ 23:00
場所 / Venue:渋谷 7th Floor
- 〒150-0044 渋谷区円山町2-3 O-WESTビル7F TEL 03-3462-4466
会費 / Price:ドア3,200円 at the Door, 事前予約2,800円 Advanced Tickets, (MTMメンバーは入場無料)
Sou Yamazaki (ヤマサキソウ)17:30
Josiah Hawley(ジョサイア・ホーリー)18:25
生演奏・The Music
Sou Yamazaki (ヤマサキソウ)
3才の頃より続けたclassic musicや父親の影響により慣れ親しんだThe Beatles, Neil Youngなどの60'sの音楽と教会音楽がバックボーン。indiefolkやsoul musicを基盤とした景色の見えるサウンドとどこか切ない歌声がメロディーに乗って唯一無二の世界感を作り出す。
Sou Yamazaki is a singer-songwriter based in Tokyo.
The backbone of his music is hugely influenced by classical music, which he has played since 3 years old, church music and, as influenced by his father, 60's The Beatles and Neil Young.
He creates his one-of-a-kind world with scenic sounds based on indie folk and soul music accompanied by his delicately beautiful and melancholic voice.
Josiah Hawley (ジョサイア・ホーリー)
Josiah Hawley is a master of his craft blending pop, rock and blues with falsetto at a beat that puts a smile on your face and makes you want to move. He’s wooed the girls with his chiseled smile, dazzled America as a semi-finalist on America’s ‘The Voice’ and is now looking to establish himself in the Tokyo scene.
Shamanz (シャーマンズ)
ニュージーランド生まれのフロントマン"TAMA TSUBOI”が率いる、湘南エリアを中心に活動する多国籍バンド。ジャンル・人種をクロスオーバーさせながら、Latin/Reggae/Acoustic Rockをベースに情熱的なサウンドを繰り広げる。TAMAの哀愁漂う歌声とメロディーは子供から年配の方まで人々の心を踊らせる。
Shamanz is a multinational band led by New Zealand-born frontman "TAMA TSUBOI”. While crossing over genres and races, Shamanz develops a passionate sound based on Latin / Reggae / Acoustic Rock. TAMA's exquisite voice and melody make people's hearts dance.