12月22日&23日|Toranomon Light Art - Musical Bookings by More Than Music
12月22日&23日|Toranomon Light Art - Musical Bookings by More Than Music
12月22日&23日|Toranomon Light Art - Musical Bookings by More Than Music
12月22日&23日|Toranomon Light Art - Musical Bookings by More Than Music
12月22日&23日|Toranomon Light Art - Musical Bookings by More Than Music
12月22日&23日|Toranomon Light Art - Musical Bookings by More Than Music
  • 画像をギャラリービューアに読み込む, 12月22日&23日|Toranomon Light Art - Musical Bookings by More Than Music
  • 画像をギャラリービューアに読み込む, 12月22日&23日|Toranomon Light Art - Musical Bookings by More Than Music
  • 画像をギャラリービューアに読み込む, 12月22日&23日|Toranomon Light Art - Musical Bookings by More Than Music
  • 画像をギャラリービューアに読み込む, 12月22日&23日|Toranomon Light Art - Musical Bookings by More Than Music
  • 画像をギャラリービューアに読み込む, 12月22日&23日|Toranomon Light Art - Musical Bookings by More Than Music
  • 画像をギャラリービューアに読み込む, 12月22日&23日|Toranomon Light Art - Musical Bookings by More Than Music

12月22日&23日|Toranomon Light Art - Musical Bookings by More Than Music



December 22nd & 23rd (Friday & Saturday), 2023


Light Festival: 11:00 - 21:00
Music: Check the information below


Toranomon Hills Mori Tower
Open in Google Map



No reservations needed to join this event!! 
Just go to the location and enjoy the light show :)

Please go to their website for more details about this event!


About This Event

We are honoured to have been asked to book some of our performers for a special illumination event "Toranomon Light Art" at Toranomon Hills Mori Tower. 

They have brought a lighting team all the way from Europe to have this special light display to warm your hearts in the cold seasons. 

Entrance is completely free, so feel free to drop in and out of the event. The light display began November 13th and will continue until January 8th. 

There will be other times where live music will be happening, but the musicians we selected will perform on the 22nd and 23rd. Performance schedule will be up soon so make sure to check here to catch their times!



  December 22nd 
   FiJA  (19:00-19:30)
     Josiah Hawley  (12:30-13:00)

  December 23rd
     Mayowa Sensei  (16:00-16:30)
     Tama Tsuboi  (19:00-19:30)

Josiah Hawley


Josiah Hawley is a master of his craft blending pop, rock and blues with falsetto at a beat that puts a smile on your face and makes you want to move. He’s wooed the girls with his chiseled smile, dazzled America as a semi-finalist on America’s ‘The Voice’ and is now looking to establish himself in the Tokyo scene.


都内在住シンガーソングライター。アメリカ留学でのゴスペル聖歌隊経験から日本帰国後も Soul, Funk, R&B に入り込み、現在は都内中心に弾き語り始め、アコースティックやフルバンド編成だったりと、様々な形でソロ活動中。またキーボーディスト別所和洋率いるNeo Soul/Jazz/R&Bバンド「パジャマで海なんかいかない」、そしてトランペッター黒田卓也率いるアフロビート大編成バンド「aTak」でボーカルとして参加しており、時にはソウルフルに、時には繊細にと、個性溢れる声とそのアーティスト性で様々な音楽シーンで活動を広げている。

FiJA was born in Tokyo, Japan to a Filipina mother and a Japanese father. Raised in Tokyo, started performing as singer-songwriter after she came back to Japan from studying English and music in California. Now she joined Neo-Soul/Jazz/R&B band called パジャマで海なんかいかない (pajama de umi nanka ikanai) and Afrobeat big-band called aTak as a vocalist.
Her soothing voice with a bit of huskiness made for the morning and golden hours. Contemporary R&B and soul singer-songwriter FiJA’s music will cherish your moment.

Tama Tsuboi

1991年ニュージーランド/オーランド生 NZ→ネパール→日本で育つギタリスト&シンガーソングライター。 Paco de Lucía(フラメンコ・Jazzギタリスト)に魅せられて13歳からギターを本格的に始める。ジャンルにとらわれない卓越したテクニックと優しく情熱的な歌声=切なさと懐かしを秘めた楽曲は幅広い年齢の心に響く。 Tamaの魅力ある歌唱はそのままにDTM(打ち込)と生演奏を融合させたLatin/R&B/Reggaeジャンルを超えた楽曲の魅力は、日本に終わらず世界に拡がる可能性を秘める。 ※2012年SHAMANZ(World music)結成。メインヴォーカル・ギター・コンポーザーとして現在も活動中。

The outstanding technique and gentle, passionate voice of Tama Tsuboi are not bound by any genre of music and resonate with people of all ages channeled through songs laced with sadness and nostalgia. His song compositions trancend their Latin, R&B, and Reggae roots with the potential to spread beyond Japan and garner attention world wide. 



Mayowa's voice is something special using it as an instrument he constructs songs from nothing right in front of your eyes. From his own stellar songs to covers of the classics, this soulful singer - ukulele player is able to move any audience. 

