December 1st, 2023 (Friday) |
OPEN 18:00 START 19:00 |
Time Out Café & Diner, Ebisu (Above Liquid Room) Open in Google Map |
ADMISSION ¥ 2,500 MTM Member’s Coupon Code |
Indus&Rocks feat.skm
About This Event
Time Out Tokyo partners up with More Than Music in booking enjoyable artistry for all to enjoy in a relaxed fashion.
ライフスタイル雑誌の「Time Out Tokyo」と音楽と美術のキュレーターチーム「More Than Music」が作り上げる、誰もが気軽に楽しめるイベントを企画!
Artist information
結成初期は「INDUSTBOX」という名前で活動し、 サウンドは感傷的で感情的なギターロックであった。 その後、日本のJamシーンやら、なにやらに影響を受け 色々ぐちゃぐちゃになっちゃって、気が付くと「Indus&Rocks」に改名。 それがだいたい、2005年頃。 宇宙の謎解き探検隊として、あちこち見学しながら閃いた事を キャッチー&トリッピーな音楽に仕上げる為 チャレンジと模索と実験を続ける、凸凹3ピース。
In the early stages of their formation, they went by the name "INDUSTBOX" and their sound was characterized by sentimental and emotional guitar rock. However, influenced by the Japanese Jam scene and various other factors, they underwent a transformation and eventually rebranded themselves as "Indus&Rocks" around 2005. As a team of cosmic mystery-solving explorers, they travel far and wide, drawing inspiration from their experiences to create catchy and trippy music. With their unique blend of experimentation, challenge, and exploration, this trio continues to push boundaries and create captivating music.
◾️Space Hage◾️
◾️WARGH (DJ)◾️
シンガポール出身。来日後、ダンスとDJ活動を開始。House/TechnoからChill-hop/Indie danceまで幅広くプレイスタイル。彼の唯一の目標は、Keep on Hustlingってこと。WOMB、青山蜂、ORなどに様々のイベントに出演経験があり、自分の同名イベント開催も展開している。2022年10月に那須ハイランドパークにてEN Festivalのフェス出演で活躍の場を広げている。
New Style Hustle TYO represent.
Singaporean DJ based in Tokyo. He plays a wide variety of genres from House/Techno to Chill-hop/Indie Dance. His only objective is to keep the dance floor hustling. Besides playing at various venues in Tokyo (eg. WOMB, Aoyama Hachi, OR), he also organizes his own party of the same name. Playing at EN FESTIVAL in Oct 2022, he continues to expand the stages that he plays at.
New Style Hustle TYO represent.
◾️Luke Hobbs (DJ)◾️
Born in the most multi-cultural city of Toronto Canada, Luke Hobbs' ear for music is similarly diverse, spanning a wide range of genres with a focus on beautiful & exciting music that touches the heart and moves the soul. From Afro, Tribal, Electro and Indie House to Latin, Disco, Funk, and World Music, Luke deeply enjoys curating a unique and special musical experience to match each occasion.