Kenji Azuma (Steel Pan)
Wataru Mori (Sax)
Sho Ishii (Hand Pan)
Sami Elu (Pixiechord)
Fax Dorobo
Patty Pan (Jamaican Patties)
日付|Date:7月28日 (金)・July 28th
時間|Time:OPEN 18:30・START 19:00
場所|Venue:Time Out Cafe & Diner, Ebisu
入場料|Ticket:ONLINE ¥2,000・DOOR ¥2,500・FREE for MTM Members
メンバー用割引チケットの入手方法 | How to get your free ticket as a member: 1) Eメールアドレスを使用し自分のアカウントへログインします。 2) 商品をカートに入れる 3) 支払い画面にて会員割引コードを入力し、適用ボタンを押す このイベントの会員割引コード|This Event’s Member Discount Code: |
* メンバーになって無料・割引のチケットを入手したい方はこちらをご覧ください!
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【このイベントについて|About This Event】
You can expect a lively evening featuring a diverse selection of indie artists curated by More Than Music at the Time Out Cafe & Restaurant in Nakameguro. More Than Music shares its signature good music with the Time Out Tokyo audience.
【生演奏|The Music】
Musician, instrumentalist and singer living in Japan ! Her very first album "La Valse de Wa 和" is in the process of being released song by song at the moment on her Youtube channel.
Aliss sings in French, English and Japanese creating a melancholic atmosphere that sways in between the aroma of the lavender fields of the south of France and the essence of a Japanese coastal village right after a typhoon. Her contralto voice over etheral piano cords create the kind of ghostly beauty that takes you on an incredible voyage.
Kenji Azuma & Sami Elu
Kenji Azuma はいくつもの楽器の音を掛け合わせて流れるようなメロディーやハーモニーで様々な感情を表現します。Sami Elu が演奏する楽器は彼自身が考えて作った世界で一つだけの楽器。キーボードのような形をした楽器から奏でる音はハープに近く、幻想的な響きがします。2人の演奏で非現実的な世界観を感じてみませんか?
Kenji Azuma crossbreeds many instruments to create flowing melodies and harmonies, expressing his vast range of emotions. The instrument Sami Elu plays is the only one in the world he created himself, the pixie chord. Shaped like a keyboard, it sounds similar to a harp with a magical echo. How would you like to experience this duo’s other-worldly interpretation of the world?
Patty Pan
Patty pan will be joining the event and providing delicious Jamaican cuisine to this fantastic event! Be on the lookout for their amazing patties and Jerk chicken !