Robert Taira Wilson
日付|Date:3月31日 (水)・March 31st
時間|Time:OPEN 18:30・START 19:00
場所|Venue:Time Out Cafe, Nakameguro
入場料|Ticket:ONLINE ¥2,000・DOOR ¥2,500・FREE for MTM Members
メンバー用割引チケットの入手方法 | How to get your free ticket as a member: 1) Eメールアドレスを使用し自分のアカウントへログインします。 2) 商品をカートに入れる 3) 支払い画面にて会員割引コードを入力し、適用ボタンを押す このイベントの会員割引コード|This Event’s Member Discount Code: |
* メンバーになって無料・割引のチケットを入手したい方はこちらをご覧ください!
* If you're interested in becoming a member for free and discounted access to events around Tokyo check it out here
【このイベントについて|About This Event】
You can expect a lively evening featuring a diverse selection of indie artists curated by More Than Music at the Time Out Cafe in Nakameguro. More Than Music shares its signature good music with the Time Out Tokyo audience.
【生演奏|The Music】
Robert Taira Wilson
Robert is an English artist, musician and songwriter currently based in Japan. His music fuses intricate, classically influenced guitar playing with modern alternative songwriting. He draws inspiration from a diverse range of genres and weaves together original and deeply personal songs.
サイケデリック・アンビアンスな音、そして民謡のような歌声。異世界の雰囲気なのにどこか懐かしい気持ちにさせてくれるバンド「MOKU」。ミスティックな音楽、ステージの上で放つ独特でミステリアスな存在感… 見る人全ての探究心をくすぐります。
MOKU is a band creating psychedelic ambience with elements of traditional Japanese sounds. It’s something you’ve never heard of, yet makes you feel “Natsukashii”. Their unique and mysterious presence on stage, along with their mystic sounds will leave you wondering who they are.