日付|Date:2月26日 (日)・February 26th
時間|Time:OPEN 17:00・FINISH 22:00
場所|Venue:Oshiage, Art Atelier Tokyo
値段|Price: ADV ¥5,000・DOOR ¥6,000・¥3,000 for Members
!! One free Belgian beer included !!
メンバー用割引チケットの入手方法 | How to get your free ticket as a member: 1) Eメールアドレスを使用し自分のアカウントへログインします。 2) 商品をカートに入れる 3) 支払い画面にて会員割引コードを入力し、適用ボタンを押す このイベントの会員割引コード|This Event’s Member Discount Code: |
* メンバーになって無料・割引のチケットを入手したい方はこちら
* Click here to learn more about MTM Membership
【 About MTM Sunday Dinners について| About MTM Sunday DinnersSundays】
Sundays are for winding down after a hectic week and even more hectic weekend. So at MTM Sunday dinners we do just that surrounded by amazing people, fantastic food and the music to match that atmosphere of a family Sunday dinner. Everybody is welcomed to enjoy that much needed time to wind down together.
【演奏者|The Music】
The already incredibly talented Elliot Cormack from ENTRADA has grown more confident and sure with his one-man band act over the last year. We are excited to have him on stage again to share his growth as a solo performer! Elliot is a More Than Music favorite, that time after time leaves us wanting more.
~Stoofvlees friet (Flemish beef stew with beer sauce and fries)~
~Vol-au-vent (creamy chicken dish)~
~Belgian Winter Salad~
~Rice Pudding~
【The Beer】


Martin's IPA