Robert Taira Wilson
Kev Gray and The Gravy Train
Special Guest from TOPOJO (Poetry Reading)
Jeffrey Johnson
Taylor Mignon
Corey Wakeling (UK)
Steven Fowler (UK)
Barbara Summerhawk
Wannes Chauvaux
日付|Date:1月14日 (土)・January 14th
時間|Time:OPEN 16:00・Poetry 17:00 - 19:00・Music 19:00 - 22:00
場所|Venue:WHIZ CAFE, Kanda
値段|Price: DOOR ¥2,500・ADVANCED ¥2,000・FREE for Members
MTM Member’s Discount Code: 230114WHZ
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【About Music Meets WHIZ CAFE】
【生演奏|The Music】
Robert Taira Wilson (ロバート・タイラ・ウィルソン)
We, the people that have seen Robert play on stage, can all agree that he’s got a talent that can’t be found in many people. You can tell that his music is great listening to his stuff online, but you won’t have that same awe and goosebumps as you do when he’s performing in front of you. “How is he creating those tricky melodies???” and “Why am I crying??” are some of the questions you’re going to be ask yourself when he’s on the stage.
Kev Gray and the Gravy train
受賞歴のあるマルチジャンルのバンド「Kev Gray and The Gravy Train 」 季節や天候によってイギリス、アメリカ、日本を渡り活動している。リードボーカル、ケブ・グレイの作詞作曲を中心に、アコースティックラウンジ、フォークゴスペル、ボサノバ、ファンク、オリジナルブルース、ブルーアイドジャズなどの豊かなメロディーの折り合った音楽を作ってきた。現代の型にはまった音楽の解毒剤になるように伝統的なジャンルのフュージョンを意識して作る彼らの音楽の中には人間らしさを感じられる。子供ができたり、責任から目を背けたり、大人になりきれなかったり… 人が生きて行く中対面する人間らしい日常のテーマを反映し、音楽に磨きをかけている。Kevのミッションはこのような音楽をリスナーに届けることである。
Kev Gray and The Gravy Train are an award-winning, multi-genre band based out of England, America and Japan – depending on the weather. Based around the lyrical songwriting of lead singer, Kev Gray, their music is a melting pot of lush melodies from acoustic lounge, folk gospel, bossa, funk, original blues and blue-eyed jazz. A fusion of traditional genres, resulting in an antidote to modern conformity. Soulful vocal textures add a nice polish to contemporary lyrical content that mirror everyday themes – cold feet at the altar, the rat race, having children, escaping responsibility, swingers parties, the inability to grow up. Kev’s mission is unashamedly that of bringing music back to the listener.
【 詩|The Poetry 】
TOPOJO (Tokyo Poetry Journal)
ToPoJo, for Tokyo Poetry Journal, started publishing on paper in 2015. The founding editors: Jeffrey Johnson, Barbara Summerhawk and Taylor Mignon will be joining their Australian and British counterparts, Corey Wakeling and Stephen Fowler as a part of the Japan / UK Poetry Exchange, 2023. Expect to hear original poetry hinting at Japanese aesthetics, translations from the Japanese and works not related to Japan. Back issues of TPJ and authors’ books will be available on sale at a discount. Join us in the spirit of cross-cultural friendship.