日付|Date:8月6日 (土)・August 6th
時間|Time:-Afternoon set OPEN 12:00
-Evening set OPEN 16:00
場所|Venue:Stump Base Annex
- AFTERNOON: ¥5000・¥2500 for Members
- EVENING: ¥5000・¥2500 for Members
- ALL DAY: ¥7,500・¥5,000 for Members
【TW Magazine Release Partyとは|About TW Magazine Release Party】
Tokyo Weekender誌は50年来、東京に関する情報源としてをその地位を確立し、隔月で雑誌を発行しています。今回のTokyo Weekender誌共催イベントは、会場となるStump Base Annexの3フロア別にアートギャラリー、ライブミュージック会場、そして来場者同士が交流できる場所を設け開催します。フレンドリーな雰囲気で知られるMore Than Musicイベントの特性とプラスアルファな体験を各フロアで繰り広げられます。
Tokyo Weekender誌を手に取りながら、芸術、美食と美味しいお酒、そして素晴らしい音楽を楽しめるこのイベントは思い出に残る一日となるでしょう。
Tokyo Weekender is an established resource on anything Tokyo for the past 50 years, putting out a print magazine every other month.This event will be equal parts art gallery, Live Music venue and hang out spot since Stump Base Annex provides three different floors. Each of them will be filled with the friendly atmosphere that you know More Than Music for, but all with a distinct twist.
Art, delicious food, fantastic music and ample alcoholic beverages will make this a day to remember. Come celebrate all that is good in life with us as you grab your issue of Tokyo Weekender.
【生演奏|The Music】
Tama Tsuboi
1991年ニュージーランド、オークランド州生まれ, 4歳の時にネパールに移住、5歳までポカラで過ごすが、再びネルソンベイズで15歳までの少年時代を送った後に家族と共に帰国。静岡県伊豆市に移住。8歳頃から両親の影響でキースジャレット、ベートーベン、モーツァルト、パコ・デルシア、スティング、シャーデーなどのアーテイストを聴くようになり、13歳の時に友人と共に始めたギターが Tama Tsuboi の人生に欠かせない楽器となる。 その後、スパニッシュスタイルのフラメンコギターを独学、自分の音楽作品に独特の味を加える。 15才で本格的にミュージシャンとしての道に進むことを決意し、17才の頃から様々な音楽イベントや夏フェスに参加し音楽活動を始める。
2019年からFM横浜の火曜の夜の番組 「Unite2Night」のDJパーソナリティーや、作曲家としても日テレNHKのテレビ番組「いないいないばぁ」に楽曲「オーレ!」を提供するなど幅広く活動。現在は神奈川と東京を中心にソロアーティスト、そしてSHAMANZ のメンバーとして世の中に音楽の魅力を伝えている。
Born in Auckland, New Zealand in 1991, Tama moved to Nepal at age 4 and lived in Pokhara until age 5. After spending his childhood again in Nelson Bays, New Zealand until age 15, he returned to Japan with his family and moved to Izu City, Shizuoka Prefecture. Influenced by his parents, he began listening to Keith Jarrett, Beethoven, Mozart, Paco de Lucía, Sting, and Sade around the age of 8. The guitar he began playing with his friends at age 13 became a crucial instrument in Tama Tsuboi’s life. He then self-taught Spanish-style flamenco guitar which added a unique style to his works of music. At age 15, he decided to pursue a career in music and began performing in various music events and summer festivals around the age of 17.
From 2019, he became a DJ personality for FM Yokohama's Tuesday night program "Unite2Night" and wrote the song "Ole!" For Nippon TV and NHK's TV program “Peek-a-boo!“ He is currently based in Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture as a solo artist and guitar/vocals of SHAMANZ, expressing the greatness of music.
Ar syura
This newly formed duo blends ephemeral, dreamy poppy music with a strong singer.
The last six months they have been working hard on their sound and we are thrilled to share the result of their ardor with you.
(16:00 - 19:15)
Elliot Cormack(エリオット・コーマック)
The already incredibly talented Elliot Cormack from ENTRADA has grown more confident and sure with his one-man band act over the last year. We are excited to have him on stage again to share his growth as a solo performer! Elliot is a More Than Music favorite, that time after time leaves us wanting more.
J'Nique Nicole
J'nique(ジャニーク・ニコール)は驚異的な歌手で、たとえ彼女の名前を聞いたことがなくても、彼女の歌声を聴いたことがあるかもしれない。カルトゲームのクラシックである「NieR:Automata」に使用されている曲「Weight Of The World」でボーカルを担当しており、不滅のアニメ「Cowboy Bebop」Netflix版に使用された「Cat Attack Part 1」にてバッキングボーカルを担当している。
感服してしまうこれらのキャリアを築いてきた背景には、J'nique Nicoleが広大なボーカルレンジを持つ格別なパフォーマーであるからであろう。一度でもJ'niqueのパフォーマンスを見た観客は、安定感のある奥深い彼女の歌声が記憶に残り続けるであろう。
J'nique is a phenomenal singer and even if you haven't heard her name before you might have heard her voice. On the cult classic video game Nier : Automata she sang the song 'Weight Of The World' and in the new Netflix adaptation of the immortal anime 'Cowboy Bebop' she sang 'Cat attack part 1'.
Besides these very impressive accolades J'nique Nicole is a sublime performer with an amazing vocal range. After you see her perform, you will not forget her name.
【 作品展示|The Art 】
Solène Ballesta
"The Tokyo Cube is a 2x2x2m structure that appears randomly in any location and in a random form. It creates an immersive experience in some little disruption spaces."
Ken Frog
"Each of my artworks is created a small, self-contained, living world where it is beautiful and safe, and it is my sincere hope to share these little worlds with you."
Interview for TW
Simon Kalajdjiev
"Some critics call it Neo-Dadaist in its deliberate damaging, while some see glitch art as a mirror to the post-modern uncertain world we live in."
Behance profile
TW appearance
Lisa Knight
Allan Abani
Photographer, TW covers