Johnsons Motorcar
Robert Taira Wilson
DJ Dante
日付|Date:2月26日 (土)・February 26th
時間|Time:OPEN 16:00・START 16:30
場所|Venue:SHIBUYA 7th Floor
会費|Price: ¥3,500 for non-members, ¥1000 for Members
Members can redeem their discounted ticket at payout using the discount code “220226MTMP”
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February 26th combines the fun and connectivity at the heart of More Than Music with 3 incredibly skilled acts that transcends genre and age, bringing forth a show that everyone can enjoy.
Robert Taira Wilson, a soloist on guitar, carries the breadth of an orchestra in his complex stringed acrobatics and playful combinations of melodies, key changes and rhythm trickery. All this is combined with a delicate voice hiding subtle smoky elements which will leave you in awe of what one man can do.
Johnsons Motorcar is a multinational band fusing traditional Irish and gypsy folk melodies to a punk rock music core. The music is powerful, upbeat and incredibly danceable.
Shamanz with hints of flamenco and latin in their style appeals to both young and old and draws everyone in while the back beat tempo they set gets everyone dancing.
DJ Dante ties it all together with a wide palette of musical colors and energies at the breathtaking 7th Floor overseeing all of Shibuya from the top of the hill.
There is no better place to be than at More Than Music Presents on February 26th.
2月26日、More Than Music がご用意するのは年齢やジャンルを問わずたくさんの人に愛されている才能溢れる3組のバンド、そして彼らによって作り出される忘れられない時間です!
多国籍のバンドメンバーを持つ ジョンソンズ・モーターカー。
DJ ダンテ は会場に漂うエネルギーを感じ取り、音楽に体をゆだねて刺激的な空間を作り上げます。
7th Floor から見える渋谷の美しい景色を背景に最後まで踊り続けましょう。
2月26日、 More Than Music のイベントに来ないのは本当にもったいない!
【MTM Presentsとは|About MTM Presents】
‘MTM presents’ is our love letter to you, the audience. With ‘MTM presents’ we offer to you the absolute elite musical talent that the Tokyo underground and the world has to offer. These are the best artists that you’ve never heard of but make no mistake you will never forget them once you’ve experienced them.
It is not only great music that defines these stellar shows, it’s the people. We are proud to welcome listeners from such diverse backgrounds from all over the world.
“MTM Presents” はMore Than Musicからみなさまへのお贈り物です。東京、そして世界から選ばれる素晴らしい才能を持ったアーティストをステージに招きます。
“MTM Presents”で楽しめるのは音楽だけではありません。イベントに参加する様々なバックグラウンドを持った人達との交流も醍醐味の一つです!