1月23日|Dinner Show: Jambalaya Night with Elliot Cormack
1月23日|Dinner Show: Jambalaya Night with Elliot Cormack
1月23日|Dinner Show: Jambalaya Night with Elliot Cormack
1月23日|Dinner Show: Jambalaya Night with Elliot Cormack
1月23日|Dinner Show: Jambalaya Night with Elliot Cormack
1月23日|Dinner Show: Jambalaya Night with Elliot Cormack
1月23日|Dinner Show: Jambalaya Night with Elliot Cormack
1月23日|Dinner Show: Jambalaya Night with Elliot Cormack
1月23日|Dinner Show: Jambalaya Night with Elliot Cormack

1月23日|Dinner Show: Jambalaya Night with Elliot Cormack


ジャスティンと共にキッチンに立つ More Than Music のスタッフのみんなで皆さんにとっておきのフルコースをご用意いたします🤗

On January 23rd you’ll find Justin in the kitchen whipping up a full course meal to compliment music as MTM returns to the roots of where all the events began. This event is all inclusive so once you walk through the doors unbuckle those belts, feast, drink and be merry.



日付|Date123 ()January 23rd
時間|TimeOPEN - 18:00START - 18:30
場所|VenueArt Atelier Tokyo, Oshiage
値段|Price ¥6,500 for General Admission, ¥4,000 for Members

**チケットに含まれるもの・Ticket price includes**
・ライブ代・Live music fee


Members can redeem their discounted ticket at payout using the discount code '220123DnS.J'

If you're interested in becoming a member for free and discounted access to events around Tokyo check it out here

【音楽|The Music

Elliot Cormack

ギターの技術を駆使したエリオット。その才能はソロで活動する以前から Entrada と Kuro Deko で見てきた方もいるだろう。以前までのパワフルな演奏とは少し違い、今の彼は自分のユニークな歌声と複雑な技術を用いて今までで一番磨かれた演奏で観客の心を奪うことでしょう。

The already incredibly talented Elliot Cormack has grown more confident and sure with his one man band act over the last half year and we are happy to welcome him back to share his growth as it wouldn’t be More Than Music without some sounds to tune in for.


【食べ物・The Food

・Jambalaya and Rice
(A hearty dish filled with luscious Chicken, Sausage and Shrimp to compliment a melody of vegetables including onions, celery, tomatoes)

・Wild Mushroom Chowder with Bacon and Leeks
・Creamy Broccoli Salad with Grapes and Roasted Almonds
・A Zingy No Mayo Carolina Style Coleslaw

・Apple Cinnamon Cheesecake with a caramel and crumble topping

【ビール|The Beer
Baird Beer
このイベントは Baird Beer の提供でお送りします。ベアードビールは、静岡県の沼津と修善寺で醸造されたクラフトビールです。厳選されたクラフトビールをタップでサーブしているほか、大人の社交場をコンセプトにハイエンドのウイスキーの数々をカジュアルに提供しています。
This event is sponsored by Baird Beer. Baird Beer is a Japanese native craft beer brewery founded in Numazu, Japan. Dedicated to small batches, they believe that Balance + Complexity = Character and use that formula to brew a beer that bursts with flavor.
Just as we believe quality music brings bliss to one’s being they believe that a good beer should be used to enhance the overall experience of life. Celebrate Music, Celebrate Beer, Celebrate life and join us for a pint on January 23rd!

