Wang Dang Doodle
Nao Right Now
The Spilt Ink
William Galopin
Jenelle Cohen (Jenni Visuals)
Iain Lonsdale
日付|Date:8月12日 (土)・August 12th
時間|Time:OPEN 18:00・FINISH 22:00
場所|Venue:EARTH+GALLERY, Kiba
値段|Price: ONLINE ¥2,800・DOOR ¥3,500・FREE for Members
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【About This Event・このイベントについて】
With this event, we offer to you the absolute elite artistic talent that the Tokyo underground and the world has to offer. These are the best artists that you’ve never heard of but make no mistake you will never forget them once you’ve experienced them. We are proud to welcome music and art from diverse backgrounds from all over the world.
【生演奏|The Music】
Wang Dang Doodle
MOMIJIとKAHORIからなる2人組ユニットの「Wang Dang Doodle」は、その独自のサウンドで話題を集めています。彼らの音楽はブルースハープやギターを取り入れており、その斬新さとユニークなパフォーマンススタイルが注目を浴びています。彼女たちの楽曲からはブルースへのリスペクトや造詣の深さが感じられ、その情熱が聴衆に響いています。MOMIJIの赤髪とソウルフルな歌声やラップ、そしてKAHORIの青髪と優れたギターとトラックメイクのセンスが、彼らの音楽をさらに個性的なものにしています。ぜひ彼らの素敵な音楽をお楽しみください!
The dynamic duo known as "Wang Dang Doodle" is taking the music scene by storm with their captivating sound. Comprised of MOMIJI and KAHORI, this talented pair has created a buzz with their one-of-a-kind style. They have crafted a truly innovative and mesmerizing experience for their listeners. The passion and respect they have for the blues shine through in their compositions, resonating deeply with their audience. MOMIJI's fiery red hair and soulful vocals, combined with her impressive rapping skills, perfectly complement KAHORI's exceptional guitar playing and track production prowess. Together, they have created a musical journey that is as unique as it is captivating. So, sit back, relax, and allow yourself to be swept away by the enchanting melodies of Wang Dang Doodle.
Nao Right Now
Based in Tokyo, Japan, more than 10 years of career as Talkbox Player, after working with Jam session and Mixture band. Currently active as "Nao Right Now" (solo) and "MÉLANGE" (band), "218" (band).
2020, Nao Right Now re-started the musical activities as professional, and collaborating with great and skilled artist such as "SYNK-W-EE", "RAP MARUYAMA", "JURIUS", "MC MYSTIE", "DJ SOUL-T", "Tonal", "Cal Combs", and "Yonas K Beatz".
The Spilt Ink
“I decided to do something different. Completely different. I wanted to work on a style that I’d been thinking about for a while but never had the time. The pandemic gave me that time and I took full advantage of it. And I created “PopSick Art”. PopSick art is a juxtapose of three artforms that I love, comic book art, graffiti art and classic Hollywood George Hurrell photographs from the 1940’s.” - Johnny (The Spilt Ink)
「『何か違うこと』をしようと思った。完全に違う。以前から考えていたけれど、時間 がなくて先延ばしにしていた事、新しいスタイルに取り組みたかった。パンデミックが その時間を与えてくれて、それをフル活用した。そして『PopSick Art』を作った。コミ ックアート、グラフィティアート、そして 1940 年代のハリウッドのジョージ・ハレル 写真、の私が大好きな 3 つのアートフォームを並べたのが、PopSick Art だ。」- Johnny (The Spilt Ink)
William Galopin
A multi-faceted individual, his work reflects his diverse interests and influences. His street photography and portraits often explore the themes of solitude and intimacy in contrasting environments, showcasing his fascination with the interplay between people and their surroundings.
With his passion, creativity, and versatile skill set, he consistently strives to push boundaries and create captivating works of art and visual stories that leave a lasting impression.
多面的な個性を持つ彼の作品は、彼の多様な興味や影響を反映してい る。彼のストリート写真やポートレートは、対照的な環境における孤独や親 密さをテーマにしたものが多く、人々とその周囲の環境の相互作用に魅了 されている。
情熱、創造性、多彩なスキルで、常に限界を超え、印象に残る魅力的な アート作品やビジュアルストーリーを創り出すことに努めている。
Jenni Visuals
For Cohen, the source of her art is nature and the environment in which she lives. She works primarily in graphite, acrylic, and watercolor. Her food illustrations are hand-drawn and feature a range of foods, including savory dishes, desserts, and drinks. The illustrations are rendered in a style that emphasizes the textures, colors, and shapes of the food, bringing them to life on the page. The use of subtle forms and bright colors creates a sense of sophistication, elegance, and refined taste, enticing the viewer to explore the depths of flavor and appreciate the craftsmanship that went into crea=ng the dish. Each illustration is carefully composed to showcase the unique characteristics of the dish, whether it be the layers of a decadent cake, the crisp edges of a pizza slice, or the delicate swirls of a frothy laHe. The illustrations are set against a neutral background, allowing the food to take center stage and speak for itself.
“I am a multipotentialite polymath: a painter, lawyer, executive coach, music producer and podcaster. I have studied at the Royal College of Art, the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge. My artwork is an exploration of hybrid cultures, identity and roots. I am Trinidadian, but I have never been to Trinidad. I try to reach out to my heritage, but a sense of frustration arises as I can never ‘touch’ the relevant image. Perhaps because of this, multiple influences manifest themselves in my work - from Goya to Weems, from haiku to horror movies. I similarly add wide-ranging materials to my paintings, such as placenta pills, sugar, cotton and indigo paint, all associated with the Caribbean. It seems I am searching for belonging / identity through these extensive influences and materials. My preferred medium is acrylic on canvas, but I also develop my visual language through drawings, performance art, sound sculptures and moving images.” - Nepotek
Iain Lonsdale
Coming Soon
Lina Endo
(Performer - Chair Dancer)
“I was born and raised in London training in gymnastics for the majority of my childhood. I realised I had a passion for expression in movement and later got into aerial dance. After leaving school I worked in childcare, whilst coaching gymnastics and circus arts to children. Moving to japan, aiming to advance to becoming a performer, the timing fell as the pandemic arose. Not giving up on I focused practices I could do at home such as hand balancing, chair dance, yoga and contortion.
Over the past year or so, I have had the opportunity to perform some acro chair acts around Tokyo, it has been empowering. Combining the discipline of strength, flexibility with a touch of new found sensuality. I really do feel my confidence as a performer has blossoms with each gig! I hope viewers can get a taste the sentiments of my movements. To provoke some curiosity is also my wish and then I can offer you the opportunity to try for yourself. I am delighted to share that I will be opening my own studio this year, where I will be teaching branches of my interest, including as acro, aerial and even yoga for adults and children! Please check out @officialburanko”