11月6日|MTM : Sunday Dinners : Italian Night
11月6日|MTM : Sunday Dinners : Italian Night
11月6日|MTM : Sunday Dinners : Italian Night
11月6日|MTM : Sunday Dinners : Italian Night
11月6日|MTM : Sunday Dinners : Italian Night
11月6日|MTM : Sunday Dinners : Italian Night

11月6日|MTM : Sunday Dinners : Italian Night



Tama Tsuboi


日付|Date:11月6日 (日)・November 6th
時間|Time:OPEN 17:00・FINISH 22:00
場所|Venue:Oshiage, Art Atelier Tokyo
値段|Price: ADV ¥5,000・DOOR ¥6,000・¥3,000 for Members

MTM Member’s Discount Code:  "20221106MTMF"
 * クーポンコード記入欄に入れてチケットの購入をお願い致します。
 * Make sure to tap “Apply” after entering the code above.

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【食べ物・The Food

Bruschetta with fresh tomatoes and basil on toast
Italian Wedding Soup
Creamy Mushroom Pasta with Spinach and Bacon



【音楽|The Music

Tama Tsuboi

1991年ニュージーランド、オークランド州生まれ, 4歳の時にネパールに移住、5歳までポカラで過ごすが、再びネルソンベイズで15歳までの少年時代を送った後に家族と共に帰国。静岡県伊豆市に移住。8歳頃から両親の影響でキースジャレット、ベートーベン、モーツァルト、パコ・デルシア、スティング、シャーデーなどのアーテイストを聴くようになり、13歳の時に友人と共に始めたギターが Tama Tsuboi の人生に欠かせない楽器となる。 その後、スパニッシュスタイルのフラメンコギターを独学、自分の音楽作品に独特の味を加える。 15才で本格的にミュージシャンとしての道に進むことを決意し、17才の頃から様々な音楽イベントや夏フェスに参加し音楽活動を始める。
2019年からFM横浜の火曜の夜の番組 「Unite2Night」のDJパーソナリティーや、作曲家としても日テレNHKのテレビ番組「いないいないばぁ」に楽曲「オーレ!」を提供するなど幅広く活動。現在は神奈川と東京を中心にソロアーティスト、そしてSHAMANZ のメンバーとして世の中に音楽の魅力を伝えている。

Born in Auckland, New Zealand in 1991, Tama moved to Nepal at age 4 and lived in Pokhara until age 5. After spending his childhood again in Nelson Bays, New Zealand until age 15, he returned to Japan with his family and moved to Izu City, Shizuoka Prefecture. Influenced by his parents, he began listening to Keith Jarrett, Beethoven, Mozart, Paco de Lucía, Sting, and Sade around the age of 8. The guitar he began playing with his friends at age 13 became a crucial instrument in Tama Tsuboi’s life. He then self-taught Spanish-style flamenco guitar which added a unique style to his works of music. At age 15, he decided to pursue a career in music and began performing in various music events and summer festivals around the age of 17.

From 2019, he became a DJ personality for FM Yokohama's Tuesday night program "Unite2Night" and wrote the song "Ole!" For Nippon TV and NHK's TV program “Peek-a-boo!“ He is currently based in Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture as a solo artist and guitar/vocals of SHAMANZ, expressing the greatness of music.

About MTM Sunday Dinners について About MTM Sunday DinnersSundays

Sundays are for winding down after a hectic week and even more hectic weekend. So at MTM Sunday dinners we do just that surrounded by amazing people, fantastic food and the music to match that atmosphere of a family Sunday dinner. Everybody is welcomed to enjoy that much needed time to wind down together. 
