パンクとは何なのだろう?たくさんの人はモヒカンとピアスや、世間をなめたような態度、速すぎる演奏などを思い浮かべるだろう。だが知っているだろうか?パンクはそもそも革ジャンやピアス以前、ソウル、ファンク、R’n’Bなどから生まれたジャンルである。時代はラブ&ピースを大切にし、パンク独特の演奏スタイルで愛を音で表現した。7月31日はパンクを祝し、 Afrodyty、JUMEAUX、Schuwa Schuwa、そして Zuma の4組で素晴らしい夜をお送りしたいと思います。
What is punk? An age old question yet unanswered. Many think its rainbow Mohawks and 4 chords and lightning speed. Others might say it’s a complete and utter lack of fucks-to-give and a middle finger at the authorities. The truth is that the original punks came way before Mohawks and studded leather jackets. They were the eternally cool afro-sporting soul, funk and R’n’B artists who despite generations of inflicted hate, preached of love and liberation. Men with voices as deep as the oceans. Women with ranges as vast as the stars. Musicians who were as fiercely talented and intellectual as they were peace-loving. On 7/31 we present the talents of Afrodyty, JUMEAUX, Schuwa Schuwa, and Zuma. In celebration of the music that the original punks gifted us decades ago.
Schuwa Schuwa
詳細 / Details
日付 / Date:7月31日 (土)・July 31st
時間 / Time:16:00PM ~ 20:00PM
場所 / Venue:Shibuya Loft Heaven
会費 / Price:3200円 Door, 2800円 Advanced Tickets