Konnichiwa Typhoon
Yasu Cub (acoustic)
Hana Bookman
日付|Date:8月25日 (金)・August 25th
時間|Time:OPEN 18:30・FINISH 22:00
場所|Venue:7th Floor
値段|Price: ONLINE ¥2,800・DOOR ¥3,500・FREE for Members
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Afrodyty | アフロダイティー
ホョセフィーナは母国でもある南米のインスピレーションを受けた音楽に、日本の要素を取り入れます。彼女の奏でるバイオリンと心に響く歌声はノスタルジックでエキゾチックな雰囲気を醸し出している。 チリ出身の彼女の音楽は、日本に南米の風を吹かせます。
Whether it is with her full band or solo on a prerecorded beat, Afrodyty brings the energy equivalent of a small nuclear reactor. Fluent in R&B she brings her own touch to the genre.
Konnichiwa Typhoon
Konnichiwa Typhoon is an indie rock band from Tokyo, Japan. The band consists of Peter Jens (vocals, guitar) Ryo Typhoon (guitar), Tsubo Typhoon (bass), and Ito "Big Hisa" Typhoon (drums).
Their witty lyrics pair incredibly well with their juicy rock tunes.
Yasu Cub
Steeped in burnt, childhood CDs of the Beatles and Paul Simon, adolescent discovery of Nirvana and Soundgarden, and the sustained subtlety of Nick Drake and Bon Iver, Jacob Oki Ahearn has composed and recorded music for over a decade. With roots in Atlanta, Georgia, he recorded his upcoming debut album, "Highways" under the alias, Yasu Cub, in San Francisco, California, on the eve of the pandemic in the winter of 2019. In July of 2020, he moved to Tokyo and began home recordings of a new batch of songs, reflecting a new life incorporating dream pop and shoegaze elements differing from the indie/experimental folk elements of his earlier music. In fall of 2021, he met fellow band members, Dennis, Soda, and Shintaro, to play local shows in the Tokyo metro area. The debut album, "Highways," released in the winter of 2023, and a follow-up EP will be released in the summer.
Hana Bookman
Hana Bookman is a singer-songwriter, actor, and dancer currently based in Brooklyn, NY. Her EP is set to be released this fall. She blends and explores genres, writing lyrics in both English and Japanese. As an interdisciplinary artist, Hana works through various mediums of film and commercial acting, musical theatre, choreography, and producing. Her original song, “Everywhere & Nowhere” is available on streaming platforms.
Michi Nakayama is a Japanese musician and multi-disciplinary artist based in Yokohama. Although music is his core discipline, he integrates contexts from a wide array of visual arts, conceptual arts, literature, psychology, and most importantly philosophy. Through his works, we get to witness a unique journey, whose direction might be considered something like a “context designer.”
Takeru Yamamoto: 15歳でギターを始める。 20歳で上京し、福田眞國氏に師事する。 2022年より「YOUは何しに日本へ?」等、数多くのテレビ番組に出演しているアメリカ出身のR&Bシンガー、Mayowa Senseiのライヴサポートを務める。 2023年、ドラマー・ウエダテツヤ率いるソロプロジェクト、NONMALTとカメルーンのシンガーであるHervé Ngueboによる日本ツアー「Color’s Tour in Japan」にてライヴサポートを務める。 その他セッションホストやライブサポート、レッスン等で活躍中。