アートと音楽を掛け合わせたイベントを再び EARTH+GALLERY で開催いたします!
日付|Date:5月21日 (土)・May 21st
時間|Time:OPEN 18:00
値段|Price: ¥3,500・ ¥1,000 for Members
【MTM Presentsとは|About MTM Presents】
‘MTM presents’ is our love letter to you, the audience. With ‘MTM presents’ we offer to you the absolute elite musical talent that the Tokyo underground and the world has to offer. These are the best artists that you’ve never heard of but make no mistake you will never forget them once you’ve experienced them.
It is not only great music that defines these stellar shows, it’s the people. We are proud to welcome listeners from diverse backgrounds from all over the world.
“MTM Presents” は More Than Music からみなさまへのお贈り物です。東京、そして世界から選ばれる素晴らしい才能を持ったアーティストをステージに招きます。
“MTM Presents”で楽しめるのは音楽だけではありません。イベントに参加する様々なバックグラウンドを持った人達との交流も醍醐味の一つです!
【生演奏|The Music】
Demsky (デムスキー)
ヨーロッパ、日本、カナダでは数え切れないほどのツアーを行ってきた Demsky。愛から得られる教訓、相互理解、人生における選択、忍耐力、適応力といったものをメインテーマにして楽曲は作り出されている彼の楽曲は毎回アレンジが変えられています。映像担当(VJ)の The NERRDも一緒にライブで映像を作り上げることによって、より新鮮さを感じられて二度と同じ演奏を見ることはできません。
Demsky's songs are created with the main themes of lessons learned from love, mutual understanding, choices in life, patience, and adaptability, and the arrangement changes each time they are performed on each stage. Now, with The NERRD joining Demsky on stage, it has a value that can only be heard and seen at that stage, more so than ever before.
The NERRD (ザ・ナード)
The NERRDの魅せて感じさせる物は見ている人を想像と沈思の世界へと連れ出すことだろう。
哲学、化学、自然、そしてスピリチュアリティーからインスピレーションを受け、彼はこの空間を「Elements of Dream」つまり「夢のカケラ」と名をつけた。音と光の波動を原料に作る彼の作品は何もない空間の先にある真実を映し出します。
Outside is Inside, Inside is Outside.
The NERRD crafts thought-provoking experiences, transporting the observer into a realm of imagination and contemplation.
This space he named “Elements of Dream”, takes inspiration from philosophy, science, nature and spirituality.
Using sound and light waves as raw materials, he reveals the Truth hidden in plain sight.
Christina Ras(クリスティーナ・ラス)
Christina Ras is an artist who creates vibrant, eccentric, and energetic paintings. Her artistry and vast creativity were influenced by life experiences, brief work in theater arts and TV, traveling and people. Each painting she makes has a story behind. People usually feel positive energy and happiness from her paintings. She believes that art is a powerful way to express herself where people can relate and connect with it. She does commissioned art, sells her paintings and merchandises and has her painting classes in Tokyo at times. Her brand name is Wittabego. “Life is like a canvas, paint it very well”.