日付|Date:11月27日 (日)・November 27th
時間|Time:OPEN 17:00・FINISH 22:00
場所|Venue:Oshiage, Art Atelier Tokyo
値段|Price: ADV ¥5,000・DOOR ¥6,000・¥3,000 for Members
MTM Member’s Discount Code: "THANKSGIVING!"
* クーポンコード記入欄に入れてチケットの購入をお願い致します。
* Make sure to tap “Apply” after entering the code above.
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【 About MTM Sunday Dinners について| About MTM Sunday DinnersSundays】
Sundays are for winding down after a hectic week and even more hectic weekend. So at MTM Sunday dinners we do just that surrounded by amazing people, fantastic food and the music to match that atmosphere of a family Sunday dinner. Everybody is welcomed to enjoy that much needed time to wind down together.
【生演奏・The Music】